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Behind the Scenes: Approach

This video was created to be a bit more of a humorous follow up to our Approach video. It takes you behind the scenes to see the actual process of how we work with our clients to develop ideas for every customer acquisition channel. There also might be a haircut involved...

Video Transcription

Dave Martin (00:02):

Yeah. Oh, hey. I just got finished filming the approach video, did you see that yet? You haven't? I mean, it's on our website, so I tell you what, put this video on pause and watch that video. Now, for people that have already seen that video, this is kind of a behind the scenes of what I wanted to include in that approach video, but my videographer, you, wouldn't let me do it, he wouldn't let me put them in. He thought it'd be too long and make it too long of a video and nobody would watch it. I mean, come on.


Anyway, what I wanted to include in this is really our approach in helping clients market their business and what we actually do, once we get this information, how we actually implement it. So let me take into my office really quick and I'll show you how we do it. Come on. You're too close, man. All right. That's good. All right, come on.


All right. So as a little refresher, what we do when we're a CMO, a chief marketing officer, when a company hires us as a CMO, what we're doing is focusing on strategy versus if they hire us as a marketing agency, we're simply just implementing tactics, but as a CMO, we look at the overall strategy to develop a strategy. And what we do is we look at 20 different client acquisition channels, the 20 different ways that a company can get clients. And so what you'll see here is we have them all listed down here from funnel strategies, business development, referrals, all these different ways of creating clients. Now, what we do, and as if you've seen the approach video, we will meet with our client, and we'll come up with ideas with our client in the room for all 20 of these acquisition channels. And then once those ideas are recorded, similar to all of these in here, we then rate them based on how impactful the ideas going to be.


Also, our confident on, it might be impactful, but how confident are we that it's going to be impactful. And then lastly, it might be impactful, we have a high degree of confidence it's going to be, but how easy is the idea to implement? I mean, it could score great on everything, but if you have to fly to a different country or something like that, you have to look at all three of these, impact, confidence, ease. So this actually is a marketing summit we've done with a client and you'll see that the ideas have been filled all the way in as well as we have all the ideas scored, and we've taken the ideas and we've put the top five ideas into phase one of the marketing strategy. And actually, your timing is pretty good because my team is meeting right here in the conference room to figure out some of the last parts of the campaign to really implement this.


So would you like to go into the conference room and see how we do things? All right, Great. Well, let's go. Now, come on. Hey guys, excuse me really quick. I know you're in the middle of a meeting. Well, the thing is, I've got our friends with us, and I wanted to show them how we actually take these strategies and put them into implementable tasks and trackable metrics. So can we hijack your meeting for just like a minute? All right. All right. All right. These guys are great. Well, I tell you what, why don't you go ahead and have a seat over here. You might recognize this when I showed it to you on my laptop, but these are all of the different ideas that have come up with the client, how they scored. And it looks like we had two left, but it looks like they just came up with one, the funnel strategy.


So is this is the funnel strategy right here, right? Yep. Yeah. So this right here is the funnel that we came up with. This client is a financial services client and they're trying to target both CPAs and insurance companies. And for this funnel right here, this marketing funnel, it's really just about targeting CPAs. So you'll see it starts with Google, Facebook, and YouTube ads that once clicked on push traffic to this CPA's existing, this existing internal page, it pushes it to there, but it also pushes it to an offer page. And this is something that we're going to build where if they click on it, we'll give them something of value and hopefully we get their email address. Because once we get the email address, we've created a series of emails, kind of email automation that is going to be sent to these people trying to promote this buy one get one offer, or some kind of service offer that we've come up with.


And the point is, these emails draw traffic to this page. And then of course, if they don't convert from here, we're going to hit them with a retargeting ad. And when it comes to funnels, this is a pretty basic funnel, but we typically start at this level. Now, I do see one more strategy here, guys, and I know that we've saved this one for last. We were talking about business development, and of course it's always a handful of relationships that makes the majority of your business. Well, we have this strategy for CPAs, but for insurance, I have an idea. Why don't we consider the Trojan Horse? The Trojan horse, yes. Guys, if you remember this box, this is our Trojan Horse effect that we use for ourselves Nettra. This had a 35% conversion rate, and it was a cold mailer. Now, why it was so effective is remember who we targeted with it. Remember Doug from Baker Manock & Jensen. Doug had no idea who we even were, we sent this to him, and we got a call, check this out. So Doug takes it, he opens it up.

Speaker 3 (06:07):

Hi Douglas, I'm Dave with Nettra Media, and it's time for Baker Manock & Jensen to lawyer up. I mean, it's...

Dave Martin (06:16):

So we went ahead, we filmed that minute long video and then had that, we had that gift card in there inviting him to lunch, and that's what started our relationship with him. I think that's what we have to do. It's similar for our client to target insurance companies. Do we have a list yet of the top 25 insurance agents that he wants to target?

Speaker 4 (06:37):


Dave Martin (06:37):

We do. Okay. All right. Well, let's go ahead and let's work with our videographer team to get these videos together. I think this is going to really make a big difference for him. Yeah, sound good? Yes. Yes. All right, guys. You know what? It's time for a haircut, so I'll see you later.

Speaker 4 (06:55):

That's good.

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